
Monday, July 26, 2010

How many people can make you feel extraordinary?

"A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"

I just finished watching the movie "Marley and Me". I had read the book a few years ago and I cried then. So I knew when I watched the movie tonight there would be tears again. As usual the book is always more in depth and John Grogan is an amazing writer. It was probably easy to turn this into a book because as you read you see the people come to life. For him, since it was his life, he was able to tell his story.

Of course the book is about Marley, their dog, but it is also about family... family and how as you go through life, things change and what you may have thought at some point was important, really doesn't compare to what is important now. How no matter how crazy some of your days (and nights) are, you are still there for each other.

As I watched this movie tonight, sitting next to my husband, with my baby falling asleep in my arms and my 3 dogs at the end of the bed. I thought to myself how lucky I am to be loved by all 5 of them. they are my little family. I remember writing in one of my first blog posts about how my family began with my dogs. any dog lover out there knows what I mean. They are your four legged children. And even though sometimes Lexie, Maggie and Annabelle drive me crazy, I love them so much!

At the end of the movie the oldest child was watching videos of when he was little and how Marley was always a part of birthdays, holidays and all of life's events. I said "We have to start taking more video". With Joey nearing the 6 month mark, I think of all of the moments we have already had. I think I do a pretty good job of taking pictures, but I want more video. There is nothing like looking back at his pictures of when he was a newborn and how much he has changed and grown. He is so smart and amazes me more everyday.

So to answer the question at the beginning... My family makes me feel extraordinary! And my family includes my four legged children. :)

In the picture above- Lexie, Maggie and Annabelle instantly fell in love with Joey when we brought him home. (Feb 2010)

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