
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Joey's First Christmas

I remember last Christmas (2009) I was 32 weeks pregnant. huge... miserable...but also waiting with anticipation for my sweet baby to be here. I remember thinking that this time next year I will have toys everywhere and excitement of my little guy. Well fast forward (way to fast) and Joey's first Christmas has come and gone. And I think Santa left every toy he made this year at my house. :)

For Christmas eve we went to Mom's house. It has been a tradition as long as I can remember that on Christmas eve my mom's side of the family has always gotten together. We used to always go to Grandma's house when was little. We always had good food and then opened presents. I remember being so excited to open presents and get home and wait for Santa. It is one of those feelings of anticipation/excitement you don't get to feel that often. For the past few years it has been at mt mom's house. But this year was different. It was the first Christmas without Grandma being there. She passed away in September, but I am sure she was looking down from above watching her children, grandchildren and great grandchild celebrate this holiday. Christmas will always remind me of Grandma. She loved Christmas. When Joey is older I will tell him stories about all of the Christmas Eve's I can remember. And we will creates new memories and traditions so that he will always be able to remember.

On Christmas day we wnt back to Mom's. Christian's mom and sister came up from Florida for the day. And Joey got more toys. I seriously don't know where I am going to put all of this stuff. :) It seems like time just goes by to fast. Especially now. I sometimes wish I could stop time. Just pause in a moment and treasure it for ever. I guess that is why I take so many pictures. I look back at them all the time and remember his little smiles and faces he would make. He is the most amazing gift I will ever get. Better than any Christmas gift could ever be.

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